User Status

Inactive, could be registered with a username and password, cannot login, cannot make payment even in quickpay (which is disabled for this Web User Status = 0)


Active, Registered, able to login and make payments, can also make a quickpay

46Blocked, User exceeded login attempts and the account is locked

Authorized to activate their account (can create new username and password)


Unauthorized to Activate, initiated by client when they want to verify information prior to setting the user to Authorized. This is for highly integrated clients – Rarely used


Deleted Account, either the code or the client deleted this account. 9999 happens a file is sent in with 998 and it overwrites the existing record information and creates a new one.

ActiveUser has registered their online account and can make payments.
InactiveUser no longer with association and cannot make payments.
LockedUser has multiple failed password attempts and cannot login.
AuthorizeUser may register for an online account to make payments.
UnautorizedUser may not register for an online account to make payments.