To access the eTerminal, go to Pay Tools > eTerminal in the Merchant toolbox.

Search for a User by entering any of the below options: 

  • Account Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address

Click Search then select the User that you will be making a payment for.

You can enter a new user by selecting "New User" and filling out the information. 

Select if it will be a One Time Payment or if you are scheduling an AutoPay.

If you are scheduling an Autopay your User can decide if they want to be debited their full balance amount or a fixed amount. 


You will then input the amount for what the payment is for.

They can pay with an existing payment method, either credit card or bank account information or you can add a new payment method. 

Please see "How to add a new payment method in eTerminal" for more information. 

Select "Saved Profile" for an existing payment method.

 Review and Approve that all information is correct and select "Approve Payment"

You can get further help by watching our video tutorial 

Example screenshot of eTerminal below: